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Unshackling AI: Coinbase CEO Advocates for Unregulated Innovation

Source: Wikipedia

Coinbase’s Chief Executive Officer, Brian Armstrong, maintains a firm stance that the United States should abstain from imposing regulations or limitations on the advancement of artificial intelligence (AI). He asserts that any endeavor to curtail AI’s adverse repercussions will invariably impede its forward momentum.

Armstrong conveyed via Twitter on Friday, “We have basked in an era of unparalleled innovation in software and the internet primarily due to its unregulated nature. AI should follow suit.”

His sentiments parallel his longstanding perspectives on the cryptocurrency sector, which he has cautioned would seek refuge abroad if subjected to an excessive regulatory framework. This is particularly applicable to the realm of decentralized finance (DeFi), an arena where Coinbase has argued that regulatory scrutiny should not be commensurate with that imposed on centralized enterprises.

In harmony with the financial sector, Armstrong posits that the AI industry should adopt a “decentralized” and “open source” approach, allowing innovation to flourish unencumbered. He advocates for unshackling AI, likening it to letting a proverbial cat out of the bag.

He opined, “Historically, regulations have demonstrated an unfortunate propensity for yielding unintended consequences and stifling both competition and innovation, despite noble intentions.”

In the wake of the widespread adoption of OpenAI’s ChatGPT, investors and technology juggernauts are fervently racing to harness the full spectrum of opportunities presented by this technology. Its applications encompass an array of domains, including text and image generation, programming, cancer diagnosis, autonomous vehicles, and more.

In recent days, an anonymous Ethereum developer devised a tool that harnesses ChatGPT’s capabilities to autonomously deploy novel cryptocurrency tokens on the Ethereum blockchain through a straightforward command. Others have leveraged ChatGPT’s technology to construct educational tools for the cryptocurrency sphere, including one that emulates the voice of Bitcoin’s elusive creator, Satoshi Nakamoto.

Nevertheless, the technology is also gaining notoriety for less savory purposes. This includes the dissemination of convincingly deceptive cryptocurrency scams en masse through social media channels and the inundation of Amazon’s marketplace with subpar digital publications.

Beyond the cryptocurrency sphere, Armstrong emphasizes that expeditious progress in AI holds paramount significance for a plethora of reasons, with national security ranking prominently among them. Indeed, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) underscored last year that AI is reshaping “the very essence of warfare,” from prognosticating mechanical deficiencies in weapons platforms to executing intricate analytical tasks in support of military operations.

It is noteworthy that Armstrong did not feature AI-based innovations in his recent enumeration of the top ten advancements in the cryptocurrency arena. Instead, he lent his support to initiatives such as layer-2 privacy solutions, Web3 gaming economies, and endeavors aimed at “tokenizing all aspects of our world.”