iAffirm is launching its research and development of Third-I, a therapy session augmentation tool to identify core issues, leveraging existing Brain Computer Interface (BCI) also referred to as Mind Machine Interface (MMI), Direct Neural Interface (DNI), and/or Brain Machine Interface (BMI). Third-I aims to interpret client responses to a line of questioning using machine learning, trained to differentiate between a truthful or untruthful answer. With Third-I, a core issue is identified and changed in one single session compared to the standard therapeutic approach where resolution may not be achieved even after years of therapy. iAffirm has licensed the Emotiv platform for its app development that includes brainwave analysis.
iAffirm, a 501 (c) 3 non-profit training therapists Adaptive therapy techniques, supported by Third-I technology, to increase efficacy for modifying self-limiting and/or harmful core beliefs that negatively impact behavior and quality of life.
Current research reveals, through EEG sensors, that a positive emotion resonates differently from a negative emotion, and thereby can be used during a therapy session to accurately access an established, faulty belief [1]. The benefits include not only identification of core beliefs but also assistance in the process of reframing them to help clients quickly adapt to their changing world, both personally, nationally, and globally.
Shortage of Therapists
As true in a number of industries, therapists are in short supply. Hence, any method to speed results without sacrificing quality and safety, is welcomed. Trained therapists are seeking to find the why of a person’s behavior, suffering, and inability to thrive. Third-I quickly supports the therapist and works well in addressing perceptions developed as a result of our ever-changing world, inflicting new stress on humans at every turn. Also, because Adaptive Therapy resolves an issue in one session compared to possibly years, the cost of therapy is greatly reduced.
Pandemic Stress
The global pandemic has added a new dimension to individual stress levels that have now become chronic which, if not addressed, will produce more illness, disease and raise the cost of healthcare. Prior to the pandemic, it was not in the consciousness of the average person that anything could stop their life, alter their life, or that illness could take the life of loved ones so suddenly. As a result, we considered ourselves relatively safe because we believed we had a considerable amount of control over our lives. Overnight, that changed for everyone. So, what belief did we suddenly adopt from the pandemic? While we each are different in our encoding of a belief based upon location, culture, family, past experiences, training, and education, etc., most people perceive the pandemic as a new limiting factor in their lives.
Some would have replaced, “I have control over how I live my life,” to “I have no control over how I live my life,” or “I’m at the mercy of germs,” or even, “My whole life is up in the air,” “I have to stay home to be safe,” or for medical staff, “I’m sacrificing my family for my patients,” and those unwilling to do so, have left healthcare.
How long do these beliefs last? Until something better comes along to replace it. Of course, these beliefs might moderate due to new opportunities, but for the most part, people are stuck with their new beliefs.
For example, those that have adopted, “I have to stay home to be safe,” feel a negative feeling when they do venture out, that ushers them quickly back home and back to safety.
Stress at Every Turn
Also, something has radically changed in our world in the last few years. It’s the frequency and intensity of the trauma. Most of us, in childhood and young adulthood, experienced a few traumas that shaped the way we viewed the world, ourselves, others, and how we perceive others view us. However, today, there are traumas every day. Even if one avoids the news, traumas like the pandemic have touched everyone. Mask-wearing, vaccination, social distancing is also traumatizing people. And then there is the weather. You don’t have to watch the news to know that climate change is affecting the weather causing record damage, loss of life, and suffering. Road closures closed federal lands, and smoke makes evident the devastation that fires are causing during the extended season. Evacuations for more powerful storms that drop record rain across a larger landscape also can’t be ignored as major stressors in people’s lives.

What if you do watch the news? Well then, you are being traumatized every day as stories of war, gun violence, assassinations, inflation, political divide, poverty, drought, loss of biodiversity, pollution, Covid-19, and so much more, mostly bad news.
Consequences of Prolonged and Ongoing Stress

Most people seek an Adaptive therapist because they don’t feel well physically or emotionally because of stress that is no longer manageable. Up to 90% of doctor visits in the USA are stress-related [2] [3]. Stress is a factor in five out of six leading causes of death, including heart disease, cancer, stroke, upper respiratory disease, and accidents [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8].
What this means is that people need to seek the help of someone that can teach them how to reduce their stress. People do not like to visit a therapist for counseling because they are afraid of being labeled as inadequate, mentally unstable, or even defective. However, reframing the counseling experience with a stress test, part of Third-I’s vision, will improve adoption by clients understanding they need help reducing their stress (external) vs exploring what’s “wrong” with them (internal).
Third-I will be launching its beta version in the first quarter of 2022 with trained therapist adoption for testing and feedback.
About: iAffirm, a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit is dedicated to research and education of Adaptive Therapy techniques and tools, including Third-I. As part of its mission is to make stress-related therapy more accessible along with grants to financially assist any underserved population, to improve the lives of millions. https://iaffirm.org;
*This article has been reviewed by CYC Biomedical Consulting, LLC
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