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Mastering FAANG Interviews: Your Path to Tech Excellence

Securing a job at a FAANG company is a dream shared by many programmers. The allure of exceptional work culture, lucrative compensation packages, and unparalleled professional growth makes it a goal worth pursuing. However, cracking interviews at FAANG companies is no walk in the park, even for seasoned professionals. For freshers, the challenge can be even more daunting if they lack the right orientation towards the nerve-cracking programming language interviews. In this article, we’ll curate the top 10 interview questions commonly asked in FAANG interviews and provide insights on how to tackle them effectively.

Question 1: Two Sum Problem

The Two Sum Problem is a frequently asked coding interview question, reminiscent of the subset sum problem. While a dynamic programming solution exists for the subset sum problem, the Two Sum Problem presents a unique challenge. It involves finding pairs of integers within an array that sum up to a given target.


  • Coding interview
  • Dynamic programming
  • Array manipulation
  • Problem-solving

Question 2: Decode Ways

In this question, you’re presented with a string ‘S’ containing both numerals and alphabets. Your task is to devise an algorithm to determine the number of ways to decode it. This is a common question that assesses your algorithmic skills and language proficiency.


  • Algorithm development
  • String manipulation
  • Code decoding
  • Language choice

Question 3: Palindrome Using Recursion

The Palindrome Using Recursion problem involves a string ‘s.’ Your objective is to write a program that checks whether the given string is a palindrome or not, using recursion. A palindrome is a sequence that reads the same backward as forward, such as “madam” or “racecar.”


  • Recursive programming
  • String analysis
  • Palindrome detection
  • Algorithmic approach

Question 4: Rotate Image

In this problem, you are tasked with rotating an n x n 2D matrix, representing an image, by 90 degrees. The twist? You must perform the rotation in place, modifying the input 2D matrix directly.


  • Matrix manipulation
  • In-place rotation
  • Image transformation
  • Geometric algorithms

Question 5: Group Anagram

The Group Anagram question is designed to test your knowledge of data structures and problem-solving abilities. You’re given an array of anagram strings and must group them accordingly. Given the diversity of words in the array, finding anagrams can be challenging.


  • Anagram identification
  • Data structure utilization
  • String comparison
  • Algorithmic thinking

Question 6: Zig-Zag Conversion Problem

In this problem, you’re provided with a string and a specified number of rows. Your task is to write a function that transforms the string into a zig-zag pattern. The function should return the resulting string, line by line.


  • String transformation
  • Pattern manipulation
  • Algorithm design
  • Output formatting

Question 7: String to Integer Problem

Given a string ‘s’ containing numeric and non-numeric characters, your goal is to extract the first integer from it. This question tests your ability to handle mixed data types effectively.


  • Data extraction
  • Parsing
  • Type conversion
  • String processing

Question 8: Merge Intervals

The Merge Intervals problem presents a set of time intervals in random order. Your task is to create a function that merges overlapping intervals into mutually exclusive ones. Intervals are represented as pairs, and your function should optimize them.


  • Interval merging
  • Time manipulation
  • Algorithm optimization
  • Data consolidation

Question 9: Sort Colors

This question revolves around sorting an array of colored objects into a specific order, where objects of the same color are grouped together. It’s a straightforward yet insightful problem that tests your ability to manage variables effectively.


  • Color sorting
  • Variable management
  • Array manipulation
  • Sorting algorithms

Question 10: Spiral Matrix Problem

The Spiral Matrix Problem is the reverse of printing a given matrix in spiral form. Your objective is to traverse the given array, selecting each element one by one to fill a spiral matrix order. This problem often requires multiple loops to achieve the desired output.


  • Matrix traversal
  • Loop structures
  • Data indexing
  • Spiral pattern creation

Conclusion: Navigating the FAANG Interview Maze

In conclusion, mastering FAANG interviews is a journey that demands meticulous preparation and a deep understanding of programming concepts. The top 10 questions highlighted in this article serve as a valuable roadmap to help you navigate the challenging interview process. By honing your skills in coding, algorithm design, and problem-solving, you can increase your chances of securing that coveted role at a FAANG company.