Artificial intelligence is the technological blow that took the world by storm. When the term ‘artificial intelligence’ was first coined at a conference, no one imagined that one day, it will replace all the repetitive jobs and relieve humans from performing heavy labor works.
The History of Artificial Intelligence
Although today, we have artificial intelligence, its early history is so far gone, it will be difficult to trace it. The author says that there is no record of the first successful AI research project. However, it is known that before Google, Apple and other major companies made significant advances in AI, they used “black box” AI programs such as the ones found in IBM’s Deep Blue and Deep Blue West, which relied on pre-programmed chess or checkers rules. These programs were ultimately defeated by human players. In the 1960s, AI pioneer Marvin Minsky set up the first computer programming language. The language was called LISP, or Generalized Liar-like Language, and it was designed to help programmers build autonomous systems.
AI and The Future
Universities and big companies have been focusing on the development of AI technology. Silicon Valley, in particular, is filled with tech companies all trying to outdo each other in the race to develop the best AI.
We often hear the term ‘new world order, and AI is poised to take over all the jobs in order to create a new economy. But with all the hype around AI, what is it exactly?
Is it just a buzzword for making more money? Can robots become our masters? Or are they the servants who help us with everyday tasks? I would like to think that AI will make life easier. I would like to think that it will help us create a better and more sustainable world.
What is Artificial Intelligence?
In the beginning, the search for artificial intelligence was very basic. You had algorithms and even vacuum tubes that did not respond to human interactions and made it impossible for humans to do many tasks. Today, artificial intelligence is now a more technical thing and the chances of robots replacing all human workers are very low.
What Can We Expect From the Future of AI?
As a result of the huge growth in Artificial Intelligence startups, it’s not only the students who have become enthusiastic about it. The big enterprises are also looking at AI, especially after this year’s announcement of Google Duplex, where a machine learns from real-time conversations to be a good salesperson. The advancement in the form of Artificial Intelligence has been increasing in 2021 and people are wondering how they will take it further in the near future. However, before the machine could start out on its journey to getting smarter, the questions remain about whether this will mean more jobs will be created or it will become a digital freeloader. As an alumnus of the University of Waterloo and a tech investor, I find that the latter is more likely.
The future of technology is scary and exciting. Technology is no more just a computer or a phone, but it has become an entire ecosystem that is contributing to our well-being, by aiding in creating new possibilities in diverse fields of the world.