How Is AI Transforming the Landscape of Video Production?

ai video tools

Artificial intelligence (AI) tools are changing how businesses operate. The buzz around AI extends to nearly every aspect of running a company. AI video production is no exception, with videographers and marketers embracing the possibilities of automating editing or plugging mock personas into video footage.

Imagine a machine pulled in all the knowledge of every film ever made, applying various techniques to cuts, angles, transitions and edits. The result would be something with amazing effects that even an amateur could pull off.

Welcome to the world of AI transformative technology, where a low-budget video can look like something off a multi-million dollar Hollywood set. There are already examples of AI online, as people show houses being wiped out by huge tsunamis that never happened or whole towns crumbling to the ground.

Here are some ways AI is changing the video production landscape and what you can expect.

1. Personalize Videos for Each Viewer

McKinsey reports personalization can reduce customer acquisition costs by 50% or more. Imagine a world of marketing videos where the user is greeted by name and a personalized video presented to them.

Companies like American Greetings are already offering customized birthday cards, where you can have Dolly Parton or Donny Osmond sing you a song scripted to your name. Such presentations will become more commonplace in the next few years. People will begin to expect companies to know more about them and create a comprehensive, personalized experience from A to Z.

2. Use Chatbots to Write Scripts

The future of AI video production includes having chatbots help write scripts. While it’s best not to take machine-produced writing verbatim, you can certainly use bots to brainstorm ideas and refine your writing to something that sparkles.

If you’re having trouble with dialogue, ask AI to give examples of similar scripts that work well for various advertisers.

You can also use chatbots for research while writing your script. Find out details or learn what’s already been done so you can come up with something unique.

Remember that tools such as ChatGPT have proven to give false facts at times. Ensure you always check details for accuracy. Do your own research and don’t rely on AI to always be correct.

3. Automate Editing

Excellent editing can take your video from drab and boring to fabulous and engaging. AI is changing the face of videos by automating where scenes get cut and how transitions happen. If the background isn’t quite working, you can plug in an AI-generated set that takes you to a foreign location or creates a world that doesn’t exist in real life.

Drag your audio clip to the location you want and let AI mix it so it transitions seamlessly between scenes. People use AI to edit videos differently as they learn more about the capabilities of machine learning. There’s no telling where it might take video production artists in the future.

4. Analyze Data for Better Targeting

Elements of AI video production that aren’t directly related to the video might include marketing aspects. Who will see the video when it’s completed, and how can you be sure it will resonate with your target audience?

AI can look at the performance of similar videos, analyze sales figures and response rates, and make suggestions for improvement that will help your efforts perform better than competitors.

Around 81% of marketers believe videos help increase brand awareness and sales. Even with videos’ success in reaching new audiences, you must stand out from the competition. AI can quickly analyze what’s been done and the core messaging you should tap into.

AI can analyze what edits to make based on what’s trending online. Bots can comb through your script and footage and make suggestions based on what people are already talking about and interested in.

The more updated your videos are, the more your brand will stand out as understanding what consumers want and staying current.

6. Add Visual Effects

The debate continues to rage about AI-generated art and whether publishers and companies should use it. No matter where you stand on the issue, tapping into AI generators to add visual effects is promising for amateur producers.

National Public Radio recently reported bots created fake news and used AI-generated anchors to make the stories seem accurate. It shares a video a professor made where he developed an AI fake of himself talking. The possibilities are endless, and it will be interesting to see where businesses take AI.

Perhaps you could license a celebrity’s image for less than hiring the actor and create an endorsement video — with their permission. AI will likely make many video marketing methods more affordable for smaller brands.

7. Create Props and Backgrounds

Producers can use AI to generate unique video backgrounds or plug in a prop. Imagine a new product that is still in conceptualization. You could create an AI-generated image of something that doesn’t yet exist and start promoting it before it hits the market.

Add an expensive diamond necklace to someone to showcase products. Put an actor in an old clunker and have AI turn it into a luxury sports car. There are so many things you can do with AI. The only limit is your imagination.

Try AI Video Production

Give AI video production a try. You’ll be able to keep up with even higher-budget projects and meet customers’ needs. The possibilities are only starting to be imagined. It will be interesting to see where AI takes the industry.