How to Use Standard Deviation and Standard Error Formulas in Data Analysis

Standard Deviation and Standard Error Formulas

As a student, researcher, or professional in any field that involves statistical analysis, you will come across two concepts – standard deviation and standard error – that are closely related yet distinct. Both of these terms are used to measure the variability or spread of a dataset, but their applications and interpretations are different. In this article, we will explore the difference between standard deviation and standard error, their definitions, formulas, and examples.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • What is Standard Deviation?
    • Definition
    • Formula
    • Interpretation
  • What is Standard Error?
    • Definition
    • Formula
    • Interpretation
  • Differences between Standard Deviation and Standard Error
    • Purpose
    • Population vs Sample
    • Formula
    • Size of Sample
  • Examples
  • Conclusion


Statistical analysis is used in various fields such as science, engineering, business, healthcare, and more. Two common measures of variability used in statistical analysis are the standard deviation and the standard error. Both are used to determine the degree of spread or dispersion of data points in a dataset. However, despite their similarities, they are different concepts with different applications.

What is Standard Deviation?


The standard deviation (SD) is a measure of the degree of variation or dispersion of a set of data points from the mean or average value of the dataset. In other words, it is the square root of the average of the squared differences of each data point from the mean. It indicates how much the data deviates from the average or mean value of the dataset.


The formula for calculating standard deviation is:

s = √[(Σ(x-μ)²)/(n-1)]


  • x = individual data point
  • μ = mean of the data
  • n = total number of data points


Standard deviation is used to describe the spread of a dataset. A small SD indicates that the data points are close to the mean or average, while a large SD indicates that the data points are widely spread out. In other words, a low SD means that the data points are relatively consistent, while a high SD means that the data points are widely varied.

What is Standard Error?


The standard error (SE) is a measure of the variability of sample means. It is the standard deviation of the sample mean distribution, which is an estimate of the true population mean. It is also a measure of the precision of the sample mean.


The formula for calculating standard error is:

SE = s/√n


  • s = standard deviation of the data
  • n = total number of data points


Standard error is used to estimate the population mean based on the sample mean. It tells us how much the sample mean might differ from the population mean. A small SE means that the sample mean is a good estimate of the population mean, while a large SE means that the sample mean is a poor estimate of the population mean.

Differences between Standard Deviation and Standard Error


The purpose of standard deviation is to measure the spread or dispersion of individual data points from the mean. The purpose of standard error is to measure the precision of the sample mean as an estimate of the population mean.

Population vs Sample

Standard deviation is used for both population and sample data, while standard error is used only for sample data.


The formula for calculating standard deviation uses individual data points, while the formula for calculating standard error uses the sample mean.

Size of Sample

Standard deviation is independent of the sample size, while standard error is inversely proportional to the sample size. As the sample size increases, the standard error decreases.


Suppose you have a dataset of test scores from 10 students:

StudentTest Score

To calculate the standard deviation, first find the mean:

Mean = (80 + 85 + 90 + 75 + 92 + 88 + 83 + 78 + 86 + 91) / 10 = 85

Then calculate the variance:

Variance = ((80-85)^2 + (85-85)^2 + (90-85)^2 + (75-85)^2 + (92-85)^2 + (88-85)^2 + (83-85)^2 + (78-85)^2 + (86-85)^2 + (91-85)^2) / 10
= 43.6

Finally, take the square root of the variance to find the standard deviation:

Standard Deviation = sqrt(43.6) = 6.61

To calculate the standard error, first find the mean:

Mean = (80 + 85 + 90 + 75 + 92 + 88 + 83 + 78 + 86 + 91) / 10 = 85

Then calculate the standard deviation:

Standard Deviation = sqrt(((80-85)^2 + (85-85)^2 + (90-85)^2 + (75-85)^2 + (92-85)^2 + (88-85)^2 + (83-85)^2 + (78-85)^2 + (86-85)^2 + (91-85)^2) / 10)
= 6.61

Finally, calculate the standard error:

Standard Error = Standard Deviation / sqrt(10)
= 6.61 / sqrt(10)
= 2.09


Standard deviation and standard error are important measures of variability in statistical analysis. Standard deviation measures the spread of individual data points from the mean, while standard error measures the precision of the sample mean as an estimate of the population mean. Both concepts have different applications and are used differently. Understanding the difference between them can help in making accurate conclusions and informed decisions based on statistical analysis.